Född: 2011-05-28
Far: NOUCH Highesteem Hot As Hell
Mor: Grand Electra’s Illution
Heart clear by Ultrasound and ECG
Correct bite
It has now been almost 8 months since we lost you Adadadadada and I cry every day in my heart that you are not here with us anymore, you fell asleep quietly without pain,here at home with your family, you had become ill (cancer) and we let go before you even knew that you were sick .. I think every day that if I waited a little you would have been with us a little more but I could not do it against you …. you lived 10 years and 4 months , healthy and well and i could not let you feel sick for 1 minute if I could prevent it. Loved and always missed, thank you so much for every minute we got to speend whith you and your wonderful son Holger, we talk about his beautiful wonderful mother often whith him, he is lovely and we now how prowd you were of him 🙂